If you are a math teacher or if you create math resources, you need this!
If you are anything like me, you are tired of having to manually search for a division symbol every time you type a math problem. How about a greater than or equal to inequality symbol? I create all of my math resources in PowerPoint and Google Slides and I decided to do some research to find keyboard shortcuts for math symbols that I use all of the time! And voila!

The first time I created this list, I was only able to confirm that the MAC shortcuts work because I own a MAC. However, after I got my hands on a Windows laptop, I realized the math keyboard shortcuts did not quite work! But then…I made it to a Windows desktop. The catch is that when using the Alt Codes for Windows, you must be using a number pad (which most or all PC laptops do not have).

This list has saved me so much time! I printed it out and taped it to my laptop to refer to it whenever I created a math resource. There’s a copy on my laptop and my desktop at school.
Another thing to note, these math keyboard shortcuts should work on any website or computer application but I primarily use them in Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and the Zoom chat box during virtual meetings! I reference it ALL the time, seriously, all the time!! I hope it helps save you some time too!
If you want to download your own printer-friendly copy of the keyboard shortcuts for math symbols, click here!

Happy creating!!